Tuesday 6 December 2011

When all is said and done

Well out to the country to visit some old vicar friends of the old era of entente cordiale, and discovered that a great secret lies hidden, namely that the faithful who do like a bit of the old faith, the old catholic faith, are still out there in large numbers, according to the Revs of the countryside. This is what they stumble upon when they are beautifying their churches, or restoring the christmas crib, or generally rekindling old customs and devotions like the St Michael's Goose on the feast of the archangels and the holywells of St Rumbold and so on, that there is a surprising warmth toward the old faith. Funny really, given that we had persecuted all those young Spanish jesuit boys for so long. The ordinary rank and file people may not be too happy about modern magisterium from Auntie Overseas on the subject of the usual privacy issues, touching on a woman's right to choose say a caeserean, but they do like the old faith as they see it returned, with a little compassion from the gentle saviour. So the countryside vicars all seem very happy this winter.