Monday 2 April 2012

And so

And so, on to tea on the vicarage lawns. There is nothing more enjoyable than the sight of cucumber sandwiches on the memorable lawn and the goodly lady wifey pouring tea for the guests of the vicar. Such timeless bliss.

Brutus orator

Friends, romans, countrymen, lend me your ears ... What joy what joy now that April is here and the Spring upon us and the sun is shining upon all our green of greenest lawns in all the vicarages of the country, as we vicars learn to listen to our Scarlatti Stabat maters or our Schubert masses. Joy what joy. The sheer timelessness of this primaveral Eden. So the old arch is going from among us and leaving us for poverty and penury in scholastic Cambridge. A shame. He could have saved a few vicarages. Those dioceses of course that still have vicarages .... and which have not flogged such sceptered silver off to the highest bidders. But can one really flog public ecclesiastical property and holy vicarages into the hands of the privateers of the captains of industry, the pirates of the Aegean?