Tuesday 26 August 2014


Golly surprise surprise, no riots this summer in old London town. Am shcoked and bemused - there must be a decline in the usual kind of old red canon in the city. Popped into a vicar in the countryside the other day and he was explaining that he gives the local children All Things Bright and Beautiful and reminds them that all is as it should be - a nice quietening influence is his lordship the country bumkin vicar - and the kids seem to enjoy it all. No dawkins lovers among the kids that is for sure - except for the oddity at the back of the class - I imagine Dawkins used to spend his days at school hiding in the stock cupboard trying to prove he was normal and not a carry-in and carry-out sort of ineffectual teacher's pet. Yes London town is very quiet - none of the usual dark black moods hanging over the city nor the expected rivers of blood that we usually have this time of year during the long hot summer of a 79 as Tom Robinson used to put it so quaintly in the heydays of revolutionary fervour among our dear west indian friends. Yes, very quiet. Mmm I must pop over to Woolwich and visit one of the local barracks there as London is supposed to be a garrison town.

Saturday 9 August 2014

Rev Simon IV

Historically our role in the Church of England was always one of conservation and preservatism - we pulled the huge old bird away from the private interpretation lunacies of the low church, non-church, non-hieratic protestant hasidics of Bucer and Calvin and the insane Zwingli - not even Luther in all his disrespect for the imperial power of the papal states denied certain catholic dogmas as dogmas. Still who knows maybe dear old Justin has a point in pushing the bounds of revisionism at the moment. It seems that a new framework and a new imposition is necessary for christening robes and the like, a new design maybe, as most moderns have no concept of what all the old biblical commentary means, except maybe Ratzinger, and even he and his german friends can look ridiculous as they pump out endless shavings and split hairs on Genesis 2 that most modern cosmic britons do not accept as anything but absurdly subjective psychological poetry. And nobody in modern Britain accepts the old stuff about either Adam or the old serpent and the old Nick because they have not had anything like a nice modern cosmic format for all that evil within the home planet. Too many old evangelicals and catholics pursuing old hat about a subject that needs a general over-arching rewrite. Is there a doctor in the house?