Monday 8 December 2014


Golly gosh, I might have been a barrow boy from Smithfields when I was younger, but even I can be convinced of the pleasanter things in life with an invitation to some huge posh pile of limestone in the country to play croquet on a lovely lawn. Very nice indeed. Which is where we are this weekend. And while I am horsing around with the Duchess, lo and behold, I bump into a young ordinand to be, like a scene from Mansfield Park. He hopes to be ordained soon. I presume to give advice. He hopes to be ordained into a larger more catholic Anglicanism. I concur. I tell him that just as the little barque of Anglicanism floats in a grander n larger sea of international Catholicism with all of it's many rites and spiritualities, so too a larger more "catholic" Anglicanism is on the cards nowadays. It will be important to be both evangelical and institutional, just like the new world catholic clergy - and to be all things to all men, so as to win many to Christ.