Friday 12 April 2013

Let us pray

Let us all sincerely hope and opine in such grave times that our dear communist separated brethren will think hard and serious about any possible manoeuvres in the forthcoming days. With 2m men at arms on a green for go button it will be hard for them to pipe down their legions. And let us pray that our common love of Jesus the brother of the poor will yield peaceful results in those regions so close to the American Aleutian Islands. Jesus is always a brother to poor nations that cannot compete fairly with the richer ones. Paul VI wished it so - Populorum progressio. And Jesus would bless a nation so close to his heart as per - Acts 2:42. Still we must be vigilant -all threats to the peace of nations must be monitored. And besides we were solemnly warned by the military judges of Nuremberg 45 that disturbing the peace of nations is the gravest of all crimes against humanity. V agrees at Coombe Abbey. All quiet here at Jodrell Bank. The boys at Thornycroft nr Macclesfield are all well.

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