Saturday 18 May 2013


The Real Church of England was always historically dedicated to a little bit of tension vis-a-vis the civil state, since it had it not only from the various monarchs of its time but also from the saints and mystics of the island that the Gelasian principle of two powers spiritual vs temporal kept the country in a state of healthy tension and debate. If all the power went to the state it became civilism, if all the power went to the spiritual, it became theocracy, and both these heresies lead to tyranny over the hard pressed citizenry. The flock of Christ was never meant to be governed by egyptian taskmasters and now and then in the wonderful 2000 years of the faith in the twin islands, a young Moses would be asked to arise and think dark thoughts in order to restore the balance between the 2 powers. So we give too much power to the PCC and this will lead to civilism and tyranny, and the invasion of conscience and privacy, as per the Dawkins empire, but if we give too much authority to the sacerdotium and the spiritual, then the democratic checks and balances do not get an opportunity to work their magic.

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