Friday 13 June 2014

St Stephen's Divinity School - I

Truth is, in these sad old days, when all the rectorships are being taken over by the glamorous ladies of the vicars like Canon Sandy or Canon Rachel or Canon Gillian, is that I personally miss the great fun and huge ripping yarns we used to have at St Stephen's Divinity School at some academic pile now called Oxonia. Yes those were the golden days. I fondly recall, and this is a story that my local vicar retells with gargantuan amusement, how one young ordinand from the Divinity School went to see the rector in his office about all the amusing camp jokes fired around those supine quads, and said, "there are too many camp clergy in this schola metaphysica Fr dear Fr." To which the wise old bird and eagle aquiline nose plus half-moon spectacles of the principal, who is now a learned divine bishop by the way in Britain, moved not one tittle or jot, and he looked over them at the young firebrand and zealot, and said, "Fr I am quite sure all these men will make fine husbands and fathers come the day of their ordinations - college is just college - the boys are only having a laugh." Oh yes, God be with the days when we had such fine principals and rectors who did not cow tow to the young sicarii of that time period nor did they cease ever to refrain from overly judging the superficialia of boys's college life in Oxon.

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