Friday 16 January 2015


God be with the days, as my old friends Brian Brindley and Brian Hanson used to say, when at General Synod, the House of Laity and the House of Clergy were not so divided on this question of the Anglican Communion canonising it's own saints, and not just the usual favourites of red canon left leaning PC politics such as Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela or Oscar Romero or John F Kennedy  because they were democrats who hated police officers, but rather some more solid figures such as Catherine of Aragon, Cardinal Wolsey, Charles I, Henry VI founder of Eton, as the Rev Simon used to say. Anyway, House of Clergy is neocon, while House of Laity is low-church n anti-canonisation, despite the groundswell of feeling among the flocks. Clergy say that the House of Laity is too upper class and too remote from the vast majority of Anglicans who never did stomach the Lutheran and low church bilge for very long, esp under the ethnic cleanser republicans of Cromwell. No the English, Welsh, and Scottish people like their saints and refused to accept the German bilge about them.

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