Friday 30 September 2011

At last

All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things bright and wonderful, the Lord God made them all. Thuswise we begin our happy blog as an introduction to all that was real and great in the once glorious Church of England. A Church that was truly church, a church that was really committed, a church that was actually christian, a church that was really goal-driven, a church of cucumber sandwiches, of tea on the vicarage lawns, a church in sum that was all that a church should be, a church within a church, and not just another lame excuse for dry grey rain-sodden soviet ideology like a west sunday afternoon in Bratislava as so many religions have become that are now penetrated right through with the old diktats of socialist ussr ideology. No, God made the church of england and saw that it was very good. It was largely perfect and a nice jog through a nice religion.

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