Friday 30 September 2011

Well shivvver me timbers

Well actually not everybody was on board with the General Synod Debate in 1992 in which all the canon theologians deferred to the wishes of the laity for a more "modern understanding" of the scriptures in permitting an innovation on the tradition and allowing the consecration of active women to sacred duty within sanctuary. Modern here meant letting the silences speak. It was a very superficial debate with very superficial reports made from the biblical exegetes, none of whom were present, and few serious theological interventions from any clergy, so accordingly the debate showed forth the paucity of reserves in the house of laity for sober theological argument both sides either for or agin. We had ceded the totality of church order to synodal fillibuster, more importantly of the whole field to a species of an alien strange politics instead of classical Judaean or christian theology, much of it thatcherian, which amounted to a clear contravention of our earlier commitment to reach out to the poor of the nation after the 1851 census. Acts 15 simply did not happen.

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