Sunday 2 October 2011

The Real

Like playing for Real Madrid, people will say, what about the other side? The Real Church of England is not always what we think it is. For a start the real church could be the old church or what is called the ecclesiastical church, which did believe in sacraments and creeds and christenings, you know the real christian church here in Britain. Or even what we might call the nice Church of England, before 1992, which did not ideologise the world, and did not berate the faithful or did not beat the faithful around the head with a baton rouge, namely a church that did treat people calmly and gently and sweetly. Souls used to be saved in the nice old Church of England, but today it is just a simple faithful killing field belonging to now this, now that cambodian style general among women like folk, as far as we can see. Nero has triumphed. Since 1992. Time to shift across to the catholics or auntie overseas. At least they do believe in the early christian religion. At least they disbelieve all the pol pot Neros around.

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