Saturday 1 October 2011

Mmm yet

Yet if it be true that a Lucrezia Borgia blessed the administration of the papal states once upon a time with the beautiful perfume of feminine care, then surely we can learn from the feminine side in leadership roles. It is not enough for us always to heark back to ancient paradigms but there is more that can be done to experiment with confidence in the future. The feminine vicar is surely the way forward in a larger world and a bigger society? Thuswise runs the arguments pro and it all seems especially absurd to leave women out of male leadership roles in an era which in 1952 put a stole and a cope on a young princess as she was crowned an anointed priest and queen. Still the old Church of England was nice on this subject and even rather quaint. It was not always like the parson in the Tess movie of such infamy. The old Church of England really did believe in looking after the young and the poor and the widow too. Many vicars became scientists and demographers in the victorian era so as to help others and other nations. And who will forget that marvellous icon of love and charity, the Rev Mr Collins from the movies of Pride and Prejudice and especially the BBC drama series. Anglicanism meant philanthropy. Ah yes those happy days when the Church by law established in Blessed Britain was truly love and charity driven and not just a last refuge for state police policy manuals for the infernal christian vermin below the police station high on the elaborate hills of every town. And no soviets in sight for a thousand miles this side of the Volga and indeed vulgar river of the CCCP. In those days the Church of England was simply elegant. It was a church not a barking menagerie. It was even as pretty as Auntie Over-Seas.

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