Monday 4 June 2012

Ah the scent

Ah the sweet scent of success. A royal regatta. A princess in scarlet. The bishops of the old soviet union active again. Anything to keep a revolution of rioters simmering for another pot-boil this summer. Of course if I were a mate with a few navy men or air force men, I might be tempted to visit a few episcopal palaces just to acquaint the camp incumbents with the seriousness of their remarks and their ululating phone calls to news editors, as more royal gossip is shelled out to the sewage farms of the modern internet based media. The royals did well, and the queen and the prince-consort and commander-in-chief stood for most of their voyage down the old river Father Thames. A nice extravaganza with lots of new flags to consider, but understated too with lots of ordinary folk and boatmen and boatgirls participating. Yes very nice indeed. But who pays the ferryman to shell out his Ussr sewage around Britain? We do need to consider cleaning up these foreigner soviet episkopoi. And a rich princess can always sue them. Not for their diocesan monies but for their private income. Via moscow.  

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