Friday 8 June 2012

Of a muster

Some of the local kiddies nr Crick up here nr Lichfield and the Beaufort are wont to sing a little rhyme about one of my previous incumbents - the lovely Rev Simon - and his horse-riding hobby, because he was always seen on Boxing Day riding out with the men at fox-hunts in the past -

All things bright and beautiful
All creatures great and small
All things white and wonderful
The reverend kills them all.

A somewhat jaundiced and peremptorily judgmental position on the part of these kiddies who seems to forget that out here in the countryside little old ladies have to keep their chicks alive against the marauding and destructive foxes. The fox often does not eat the chickens, merely kills them, so there is little argument for the ethics of it all. Also townie kiddies have a tendency to adopt carte blanche townie attitudes to the country and so disrespect the rhythms of the same. So I would urge the townies to be less judgmental about vicars that ride out to the hunts with all the local huntsmen - it is his job as a vicar to do so and this has always been the case for vicars with cure of souls in the country. Especially after the decretals of the papal states banning clerics from becoming matadors on their days off.

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