Sunday 30 September 2012

Gawd bless us and save us

Good golly miss molly, as my housekeeper would say the word. Well anybody would think that dear old KGB Rowan had moved out of Canterbury's finest annexe for old bishops already! KGB - knowing God better of course. The point is why all this back room barracking and bawling and toadying so quickly, as dear old Rowan has yet to quit the scene at the old centre of the papal mission to les anglais or even take up his excellent offer of a residence at glorious Emmanuel where many illustrious international lawyers like his worshipful chancellor of the archdiocese of Winchester used to work? And this brings us on to the really big question. It is now earnestly hoped that when dear young William comes of age and becomes the next monarch, that the royal household will put in a request to have the said coronation of the said in the old coronation cathedral basilica of King Arthur - at Winchester, and not at boring old farcicle Benedictine vetting locations such as OSB Westminster Abbey. Who ever said that the future king of All Britain, like some Charles I, should become a monk and live like a monk? This is chicanery and the good lady Mrs Q is not happy. 

Saturday 22 September 2012

Well .... whatever

Yisssssssssss, as Prince Charles might say, as our commander in chief of Forces Anglican and Britois. The time has come thence to do some homework and housework. Can we really defy the statistics and hang on to all of these churches around us, when the catholics can do just as good, take them over, a good 1000 of them, or say 20%, and run them efficiently and profitably as pilgrimage centres and saints places of recall and so on. Loads of foreign pilgrims are descending on the country since the Olympics. The Olympics - Our Awakening of Conscience maybe. We as anglicans are part of the historical problem so we will never be able to convince a now more and more intelligent British public, and a public that reads books for itself like that of MacCulloch's Reformation or a Sansom's Dissolution or a Scarisbrick's Henry VIII, and watches movies like the natural-law driven Borgias and TV series like the Tudors, that we can be part of any serious long-term solution. So why not hand over, as a polite gesture, some 20% of these parish churches, keeping the cathedrals for ourselves for a time maybe? Yissssss or Nayyyyyy?

Sunday 9 September 2012

Mmm not so

Mmm but presidentialism a la Rowan too? Can anglican vicars really be trusted with the guidance of a church, especially without much philosophy between them? The queen is temporal and spiritual sovereign for a reason, for the sake of the common good pro tem. Wiser to leave it like this until our chappies and lassies develop philosophy in their divinity curricula. And can govern wisely and sensibly, without all the usual gunge from Red soviet ecclesiacentrism.

Saturday 8 September 2012

Well there hangs a tail

Well our dear departing leader, the great arch-priest of the basilica of Diana, as the site at London is called, is soon to depart, and wishes us all well on the good ship HMS Anglicana. He regrets that he could have done more to forestall any possible splitting over the Gene case in the Usa episcopalian church. But tis all water under the bridge - what more could he have done, good fellow, on such a tricky civil rights ticket as gay rights within the old faith of Cranmer and Becket? Gay rights are now de rigeur, it would have been somewhat mean-minded and churlish of the old boy to have marched over there and cast aspersions or asked for prudence to step away from precipitous action, or cajoled them that this would be a tricky step so early in the history of gay civil rights, especially given that all of us do have a right to privacy nowadays with regard to intimate, personal, and family life, whatever OT regulations about gay activity among sacred ministers used to say. Oh yes, Dr Rowan dun good in this latest interview, and showed great humility, and he is to be wished the best in his new role at a Cambridge quad. We raise our glasses to Rowan here at Oxford quads dot com.