Sunday 30 September 2012

Gawd bless us and save us

Good golly miss molly, as my housekeeper would say the word. Well anybody would think that dear old KGB Rowan had moved out of Canterbury's finest annexe for old bishops already! KGB - knowing God better of course. The point is why all this back room barracking and bawling and toadying so quickly, as dear old Rowan has yet to quit the scene at the old centre of the papal mission to les anglais or even take up his excellent offer of a residence at glorious Emmanuel where many illustrious international lawyers like his worshipful chancellor of the archdiocese of Winchester used to work? And this brings us on to the really big question. It is now earnestly hoped that when dear young William comes of age and becomes the next monarch, that the royal household will put in a request to have the said coronation of the said in the old coronation cathedral basilica of King Arthur - at Winchester, and not at boring old farcicle Benedictine vetting locations such as OSB Westminster Abbey. Who ever said that the future king of All Britain, like some Charles I, should become a monk and live like a monk? This is chicanery and the good lady Mrs Q is not happy. 

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