Saturday 22 September 2012

Well .... whatever

Yisssssssssss, as Prince Charles might say, as our commander in chief of Forces Anglican and Britois. The time has come thence to do some homework and housework. Can we really defy the statistics and hang on to all of these churches around us, when the catholics can do just as good, take them over, a good 1000 of them, or say 20%, and run them efficiently and profitably as pilgrimage centres and saints places of recall and so on. Loads of foreign pilgrims are descending on the country since the Olympics. The Olympics - Our Awakening of Conscience maybe. We as anglicans are part of the historical problem so we will never be able to convince a now more and more intelligent British public, and a public that reads books for itself like that of MacCulloch's Reformation or a Sansom's Dissolution or a Scarisbrick's Henry VIII, and watches movies like the natural-law driven Borgias and TV series like the Tudors, that we can be part of any serious long-term solution. So why not hand over, as a polite gesture, some 20% of these parish churches, keeping the cathedrals for ourselves for a time maybe? Yissssss or Nayyyyyy?

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