Sunday 28 October 2012


So there is something of an hiatus in the selection process for the next Arch of his majesty, what with candidates arguing the toss about the bishop of Norwich, while the police say that too many holidays to Lowestoft are not a good sign of portents to come, what with all stars getting nervous in the TV comedian studios of London. Either way the good old HMS Ecclesia Anglica continues unfazed and unabated, hardly non-plussed by the slings and ARROWs of heedless evangelical red dawns, and indeed proceeds noiselessly and calmly to its next port of call - Dr Sentamu of York by way of Beachey Head for the next Arch of Cantuar - and why jolly well not my dears? Our local Rev Noel Coward here at Melton Mowbray would say - forsooth 'tis time for a change.

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