Thursday 8 November 2012

Aha good news

Bp Welby has been selected by the church appointments commission as the next Archbishop of Canterbury, so it is welcomed as good news all round. Though he looks like another olde worlde clone of the articulate Bp Christopher Hill and the stale grey arabian Bp Kevin Macdonald, he is in fact an old Etonian or rather a fresh younger version, and then a Cambridge undergrad, and then spent a long time in the oil industry. He had been a bishop appointed to Durham for under a year. Fresh blood, fresh impetus, as all now hope, after the stagnation of the Rowan years with its constant appeasement of arab marxist agendas. So well done, Mrs Q and well done appointments commission. Bravo to a new church of england in a new england.  Ah the glorious fresh scents and sense of the playing fields of our alma mater King St Henry VI's Eton College.

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