Thursday 31 January 2013

Aha - Dawkins vs Rowan

At last the good old Church of England - a real church that does know what to do, and get down to brass tacks and have a solid serious debate with voices of disquiet and disorder in the kingdom. Thank God for Rowan.

Sunday 27 January 2013

And so

Saving your reverence's pardon, the truth is that all of us in the good old C of E have an appointment with Good Friday, and even the Just Judge would want to spare us all the trials of too much cooperation with civil police forces that are in hock to Dawkins and Pullman, and in any case we also all have another appointment with the Queen at the annual summer garden party, who will not be amused with the idea that the spiritual powers spend too much time talking to the temporal powers, especially the criminality divisions enforcing criminality. I would spare thee all such trials of conscience. Besides alas so many police officers are not to be seen at the church come sunday morning but usually at a local football pitch playing posse with the young boys in their football shorts and their worship of their heroes, with lots of ideology afterward during the regimental jump in the communal bath that helas is too much a sign of national football matches. All boys together of course, but the Queen would not be amused. Sorry to be so starchy. But vicars beware.

Saturday 26 January 2013


Entering into secret alliances with civil governments just to score a few meagre points against Auntie Overseas though, is not the right way or the dignified christian way to conduct business in an ecumenical time-frame after a large ecumenical council. It is demeaning and beneath us as church to party with cheap politicians in their pied-a-terres and to dine out with men who are not qualified to be politicians, i.e. practitioners of political science, and especially to sup with these men of doxa or mere opinion in economic matters. If one must go out to dinner at the club in Piccadilly called Rules, one should sup with such men with a very very very very long spoon. These men are rich - the treasuries of the churches are the poor. V would not forgive us all, in our spiritual lordship chambers in the over-worn, over-done, over decorated Palaces of Parliamentaria. All is flux in human politics, why all this diving over the precipices of opinion or even bending over backwards to sign up to years of general abuse and piece-meal persecution in the law courts of dear old Auntie and her brave missioners. Preachers should be supported by any christian state, not constantly stitched up by local units of the FBI. One day Fr Justin will realise that had we been kind and sweet to Auntie Overseas, she could have helped us out, by revealing her files on such evil men, dipping into the exchequer, especially as they feist about and bustle around abroad in the global church jurisdictions. So come on everybody down below Fr Justin, it is time to put the old thinking caps on, and withdraw from feeding and faxing local police stations on behalf of MPs who are simply insanely jealous about other men and women carrying more spiritual, or just even more democratic weight than they. Opinion.

Saturday 19 January 2013


Lord bless us and save us, Gawd bless all who sail in HMS Anglicana, because twice as a local church warden here near Oakham with the beloved vicar Rev Gregor Duncan, I have sent round sweet little troubled housewives to the local vicarage who have complained of ghosts and hauntings and poltergeists. Am told that the catholics are the experts, or were experts,  until the USSR took over there in London Westminster some 20 years ago under George III Basil Hume and his nutty bonking cardinal from Stoke Poges Golf Club, to say nothing of that potty Cardinal from Liberalising Tendenz of Bonn, and since that time, noting the wholesale denial of the supernatural by the frolicking nerds of ecclesia catholica in britannia tantum and their USSR policy of referring these poor girlies to local surgeries as lunatics like a right bunch of Pratt's Bananas from Siberia, I have instead asked the local anglicana ecclesia to pop round to these fair maidens and their terrorised kiddies to liberate their houses from ghosts and troubling spirits and the like, until such time as the USSR bishops of the old era of British catholicism are replaced by real valid ones. Usually these haunted houses are built on ancient temples and pagan graveyards like the kids in Amityville Horror. And they do a good job, our good old fashioned clergy, the vicars of yesteryear, and they always oblige and pop round to the houses concerned with their local diocesan ghosthunter teams - thank Gawd for the bless-us-and-save-us-vicars in the country. Actually the good old church of england is much more expert and each team of female vicars, who are the best because satan and his hordes hate them, pops round to such houses with what they call a rogatorium - a little questionnaire to help the sufferers climb down from the ceiling and itemise the precise contents of their kiddies's experiences. Anyway thank God for real vicars. The catholics have gone the way of all flesh, splitting from the centre in two directions, either out with the soviets abroad to re-education clinics or out with the gay servants of the mordor and their approach to beastifying kids at school. That lot.

Friday 4 January 2013

Sero te amavi

As our learned doctores in latin might once have said in the response-instruction to the old papal states many moons ago, in the beautiful constitution Saepe saepius, it is now a case of - Real church of england = Beautiful church of england, and our sentiments are those of a Carthaginian Augustine the young debonair poet about town, sero te amavi, o pulchritudine tam antiqua tam nova - too late have I loved thee, oh beauty so ancient and so new. For at last some cognisance has been taken of those poor benighted bishops upstairs in holy mother england who find themselves on the wrong side of a newspaper when the rumour machines start, and so being gay will no longer be a bar to ordination, we are told tonight by a happy house of bishops, and well done you compassionate shepherds of the Jesus flock and bravo reverend gentlemen. DG - after all, in an age of trial by media, when nobody will neither believe anything good about a bishop, nor anything remotely positive about his wife, and nobody will pick up the phone to give such poor misbegotten churchmice pipsqueaks even a right of reply before the violence and viciousness of tabloid publication, surely it is time to acknowledge that in an age of the media witch-hunt and the appalling judicial enquiries and processes that are initiated in Britain on the strength of this or that rumour at the local happy housewives club, then it is only wise to remove the bar and then remove the spreadsheet, and criminalise all looney homophobes accordingly within synod, and thus remove all media persecution of all these poor generous souls who did do something wonderful for God and the poor when they went forward for ordination, unlike the fatcats of media city. Sero te amavi o ecclesia anglicana.