Saturday 19 January 2013


Lord bless us and save us, Gawd bless all who sail in HMS Anglicana, because twice as a local church warden here near Oakham with the beloved vicar Rev Gregor Duncan, I have sent round sweet little troubled housewives to the local vicarage who have complained of ghosts and hauntings and poltergeists. Am told that the catholics are the experts, or were experts,  until the USSR took over there in London Westminster some 20 years ago under George III Basil Hume and his nutty bonking cardinal from Stoke Poges Golf Club, to say nothing of that potty Cardinal from Liberalising Tendenz of Bonn, and since that time, noting the wholesale denial of the supernatural by the frolicking nerds of ecclesia catholica in britannia tantum and their USSR policy of referring these poor girlies to local surgeries as lunatics like a right bunch of Pratt's Bananas from Siberia, I have instead asked the local anglicana ecclesia to pop round to these fair maidens and their terrorised kiddies to liberate their houses from ghosts and troubling spirits and the like, until such time as the USSR bishops of the old era of British catholicism are replaced by real valid ones. Usually these haunted houses are built on ancient temples and pagan graveyards like the kids in Amityville Horror. And they do a good job, our good old fashioned clergy, the vicars of yesteryear, and they always oblige and pop round to the houses concerned with their local diocesan ghosthunter teams - thank Gawd for the bless-us-and-save-us-vicars in the country. Actually the good old church of england is much more expert and each team of female vicars, who are the best because satan and his hordes hate them, pops round to such houses with what they call a rogatorium - a little questionnaire to help the sufferers climb down from the ceiling and itemise the precise contents of their kiddies's experiences. Anyway thank God for real vicars. The catholics have gone the way of all flesh, splitting from the centre in two directions, either out with the soviets abroad to re-education clinics or out with the gay servants of the mordor and their approach to beastifying kids at school. That lot.

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