Sunday 27 January 2013

And so

Saving your reverence's pardon, the truth is that all of us in the good old C of E have an appointment with Good Friday, and even the Just Judge would want to spare us all the trials of too much cooperation with civil police forces that are in hock to Dawkins and Pullman, and in any case we also all have another appointment with the Queen at the annual summer garden party, who will not be amused with the idea that the spiritual powers spend too much time talking to the temporal powers, especially the criminality divisions enforcing criminality. I would spare thee all such trials of conscience. Besides alas so many police officers are not to be seen at the church come sunday morning but usually at a local football pitch playing posse with the young boys in their football shorts and their worship of their heroes, with lots of ideology afterward during the regimental jump in the communal bath that helas is too much a sign of national football matches. All boys together of course, but the Queen would not be amused. Sorry to be so starchy. But vicars beware.

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