Friday 8 February 2013


Yet people sometimes mistake compassion for weakness of the mind, and they might tend to laugh at such acts of heroic kindness. Foolish though to do so, since compassion is always the first act of the weak, but only apparently so. Compassion - that rare gift, that rare gem. Weakness of the mind in others - maybe so, or is it long-suffering solidarity with others? Compassion hides many depths, and sometimes in rare cases, it may even hide the not so weak. Governments understand this en praxi. Strength does not always vaunt itself first as strength. The strong are strong enough to show their emotions. Pity the strong? Mmm maybe. Strong though.

Yeah but yeah but yeah but

Though it pains us somewhat to allude to the TV Series Little Britain or Britannia Parva, still the lessons to be learnt there are somewhat purgative and cathartic, like a jolly good bar of chocolate or a coffee long on the draw. Anyway with respect to the naive innocent schoolboys that the cabinet once were, the problem with adopting a pure relativistic pluralist format for gay equality laws, is that the Church of England speaks for the commonality of men, for the over-arching generalised good of society, and here in Malta we appreciate vicars and ministers of God who defend the common good broadly speaking. After all, I am told here, the maltesers remember Nero and his Iambic Greek boyworld networks. Once he or rather she manoeuvred herself into various imperial palaces, then persecution of all straits quickly followed, especially religions like Judaism and its newest daughter, Christianity. So it is a question of trust for us religious types, as our reverend friend from Malta puts it.  

Thursday 7 February 2013


Well we have so thought through much of our modern distemper for tradition and for holy hallowed custom, sanctioned by sacred tradition, that we are in danger of taking a hit from the monitum of the real Dean Inge who used to say, Those who would marry the spirit of the age, will be widowed when the next epoch cometh upon them. Yes we are all guilty of a lack of compassion for those young girls and young boys, a la the Bletchley Park film Enigma, who were forced to do some service in some of our mental institutions like Bedlam in the past, and many were then forced to undergo electrocution therapy and chemical deprivation mutation, so it is only understandable that our government commons ministers should feel the heavy tolling of bells from a dark and very very secretive medicare establishment, which even the wonderful modern NHS sought to correct, and should capitulate to the forces for gay rights in the saudi-zones active now in the southern eurozone sector as D-Day approaches, our next encounter with 1453 - QED Cyprus. Debts repaid in part.

And so to burnham beeches let us hence

Well Gawd bless us all on board HMS Church of England, as the government takes another turn into the choppy seas of pluralism. A lovely local Dean Inge used to say, here nearby Chequers, on this matter, Between the stirrup and the ground, mercy sought was mercy found.

Saturday 2 February 2013


Anyway, not that all the montys of the churches in Wales don't know who the real Queen of the South is - Macdonaldising tendencies - but it is always everybody else naturally or rather elsewise. Queens do exist but nothing like the queens that hang around Sandringham and all official institutes.

Friday 1 February 2013

Oh auntie overseas again

One of the trying tediums of life has been to watch the slow inexorable climb of lunatic prelates seeking promotion and preferment in life. As if there isn't enough nightmares for foolish ponsonbies upstairs. Like the tedious liberal bores of Bonn and their round-table meetings in the forests of Die Ganze Europa, around 1970, and the march of turgid tedium of a germanic kind into the church catholique, ostensibly to make it more catholique. Pardon!! Like making milk more white. Of course as Macdonald and Montgomery say, such is the career of the Queen of the South too ie someone in southern Britain. Strange bedfellows these but they know their man or their sproggit. Yes liberals trying to be conservatives in order to obtain power. And pretending to be academic intellectuals too. This fading light of the Auntie Overseas division is nothing more than a glorified Neil Kinnock. Remember him - forget about policy and manifesto, just seize the power. Academie Francaise for ethics - think again. Think twice. Alas too many left wing prelates think they can sustain power once they have seized it, and they move into the TV studios, radio stations, and then into the bookshops with very lightweight journalistic gibberish, and then move in on poor old saintly popes like the previous one; and all such lefty alliances assume that they can come up to the bar once in office. Only once they get into office, they lack the criteria of real governance and care for the people. They can stage a bolshevik uprising but they cannot run the street cleaning department outside the kremlin. More kremlin gremlins. Those Cs n Ms are like this - all pitchforks and no combines. 1647s.