Thursday 7 February 2013


Well we have so thought through much of our modern distemper for tradition and for holy hallowed custom, sanctioned by sacred tradition, that we are in danger of taking a hit from the monitum of the real Dean Inge who used to say, Those who would marry the spirit of the age, will be widowed when the next epoch cometh upon them. Yes we are all guilty of a lack of compassion for those young girls and young boys, a la the Bletchley Park film Enigma, who were forced to do some service in some of our mental institutions like Bedlam in the past, and many were then forced to undergo electrocution therapy and chemical deprivation mutation, so it is only understandable that our government commons ministers should feel the heavy tolling of bells from a dark and very very secretive medicare establishment, which even the wonderful modern NHS sought to correct, and should capitulate to the forces for gay rights in the saudi-zones active now in the southern eurozone sector as D-Day approaches, our next encounter with 1453 - QED Cyprus. Debts repaid in part.

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