Friday 1 February 2013

Oh auntie overseas again

One of the trying tediums of life has been to watch the slow inexorable climb of lunatic prelates seeking promotion and preferment in life. As if there isn't enough nightmares for foolish ponsonbies upstairs. Like the tedious liberal bores of Bonn and their round-table meetings in the forests of Die Ganze Europa, around 1970, and the march of turgid tedium of a germanic kind into the church catholique, ostensibly to make it more catholique. Pardon!! Like making milk more white. Of course as Macdonald and Montgomery say, such is the career of the Queen of the South too ie someone in southern Britain. Strange bedfellows these but they know their man or their sproggit. Yes liberals trying to be conservatives in order to obtain power. And pretending to be academic intellectuals too. This fading light of the Auntie Overseas division is nothing more than a glorified Neil Kinnock. Remember him - forget about policy and manifesto, just seize the power. Academie Francaise for ethics - think again. Think twice. Alas too many left wing prelates think they can sustain power once they have seized it, and they move into the TV studios, radio stations, and then into the bookshops with very lightweight journalistic gibberish, and then move in on poor old saintly popes like the previous one; and all such lefty alliances assume that they can come up to the bar once in office. Only once they get into office, they lack the criteria of real governance and care for the people. They can stage a bolshevik uprising but they cannot run the street cleaning department outside the kremlin. More kremlin gremlins. Those Cs n Ms are like this - all pitchforks and no combines. 1647s.

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