Friday 7 February 2014

Adolescent Progressivism

We all love the cut and thrust of the Sixth Form common room and the way that young boys will splay themselves around and expostulate al fresco on the latest revolutionary theories emanating from Moscow and Paris, but there are some ecclesiastical seniors in the odd common room in the odd posh school who seem to have continued all such delayed childhood development into their careers, by insisting as they do, that conservative vicars are not really acceptable in the promotion positions of the future; as if religion in our society was not inherently conservative for prudence and wisdom sake; a healthy brake to revolutionary change for change sake? Some leading lights of the various benches seem to forget that we are here to curb the enthusiasms of young boys like William Roper in the Robert Bolt play A Man for all Seasons - such would chop down every tree in the island just to get at some devilish opposite number, and then what when the devil concerned turns on the young man; behind which tree will he hide when he feels the full power of the great forces of Hades?? Such are the adolescence fixated young bishops of the red canon pot of promotees and they are tedious to listen to.  Change maybe, but religion is a brake of prudence - it is good to be conservative.

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