Thursday 27 February 2014

Golly Gosh

St Etheldreda of Ely pray for us as young britischer couples contemplate the beauties of the lush green countryside in this wonderful sunshine, and pity those poor dregs of impoverished and deeply entrenched humanity who must labour for their bread in the industrial brown cities of all the satanic mills that Blake can recall. A terrible fate to work in some smog-lined city, breathing in the fumes of motor cars, and the belching smoke of huge trucks that should not be there, and finding the smog and dust and dirt build up under one's own finger nails at end of day - yes the poor suffering souls of purgatory have an easier time of it than the poor souls that work in cities. But consider this - kind devotees of St Alphonsus, that never was it said that those who worked in cities offered a poorer lot to contemplate than those poor wretches that actually have to live in them to boot. Terrible business. Let us bow our heads and pray for God's blessing as we contemplate the words of some metaphysical poet -
How blessed is he who leads a country life; devoid of trouble, devoid of strife.

Yes it is all a long way from Malta that dreaded brown smog cloud that overhangs the cities of London and Brumland and Manchester and Bradford and Leeds - all a very long way indeed from the bliss of the green hills of Albion too. But there we are - someone invented cities but do we have to accept them?

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