Saturday 12 July 2014

St Stephen's Divinity School - IV

The truth we have all come to realise in the Real i.e. Old Church of England is that God has no favourites, but that the British are more equal than others. We have a mighty Almightiness at the head of the International Communion called Archbishop Welby and he would not be so slow to affirm such a principle despite his Clegg like socialist sympathies with the old left and the old Bill of Rights brigade from 1688 - just as the old left inhabited and penetrated first hinduism and then islam and then protestantism in germany and then moderate anglicanism in the 2010s, so too the Empire was great because it strove for 5 centuries to do what the old christian empire and roman empire before it could not do - it bestrode the globe and imposed order on top of so much chaos - something like what the Israeli empire is doing today despite 500 rockets being fired by those poor benighted primitive children of a primitive socialist misreading of the koran called Hamas.

Oh yes the new archbishop at Cantuar is no stranger to controversy and has his work cut out for him now that Dr Carey the old evangelical simplicius has dissociated himself from official obsessions of the catholic left and anglican far-right in challenging governments on dignitas in dying tickets. Yet, it would be foolish of Dr Welby to refuse a nice dialogue with Dr Carey on Dignitas since that evangelical prelate is known for his simple evangelical purity. Dr Welby might learn something from him - he cannot be all wrong on the notion of consent - as so many older people are tired of living in monastic style houses called nursing homes. Luther would be laughing in his puritan grave - having turned all the monks and nuns out of the monasteries and convents and marrying one and then turning the whole municipium city-state into a monastery through black-and-white puritan MaccieD republicanism. These poor old tired seniors were not made for indignities and manhandling - why not simply ask the old boys and girls what they wish for out of life? Yes Dr Welby is a good egg when he listens and he can build the case for dialogue with the caring Dr Carey. Catholic leftwingers who are always kicking in MPs on gynaecology, absurd contraception arguments, euthanasia, adoption, definitions of marriage and so on; these are just political movements doing politics - few even understand the nuances of official teaching in the final redaction of the 1992 catechism - the latin text of the textus finalis of the CCC. And few of them care - since the object of their exercise is kicking in governments of the neocon right and not the advancement of religious faith - and so they end up largely ignoring the cleverness of the final text of such gospel magna cartas. They simply use the simple flocks to further their own political agendas. One hopes that Dr Welby will avoid the pitfalls to right and left of this debate.

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