Friday 18 July 2014

Rev Simon II

Rev Syme - "Still in the OLD CHURCH OF ENGLAND, such votes would not be considered without consulting around the cities of both Oxford and Cambridge and then round Londinium. With copious studies of the Cambridge Journal of Ecclesiastical History. Also we would spend inordinate amounts of time preparing position papers and reports from history of the central issue - whether female ordination was always and everywhere a sign of heresy among gnostics, and whether the ban of women about gnostic church order of the Collyridians in the mainstream churches by St Epiphanius had indeed been lifted at the time of La reforma. We used to do things biblically by exhausting the references in the New Testament about such ministries - esp the bits about diakonia - and then canonically by perusing the FIRST EIGHT ECUMENICAL COUNCILS - AND THE HISTORY THEREOF. So one remains a tad churlish today about all this simple vote winning and vote rigging among the houses of laity and clergy. But then, the female feminists who had taken over such houses were nothing if political but maybe they had to be - and are these far removed from the people in the pews who just want to see the old faith flourish whatever low church monarchs try to impose on their sweet little souls? Am not sure. Such women as Canon Sandy and Canon Gill do try to understand that it was the people of England who had not spoken yet that we follow, since it was these ordinary clotted cream wielding lovelies who had preserved the church of anglican catholicism in Britain and Ireland from the worst excesses of underhand lutherans and calvinists and bucerian lunatics bent on the luddite solution to all technology and sacred art. You see, at the end of the day THE OLD CHURCH OF ENGLAND, THE REAL CHURCH OF ENGLAND, this was not just another political body of silly old gaffers unable to see through innovations or behind such political activity; it was a real faith where things had to be passed by the Bible first AND TRADITION. Even moderniste catholicques nowadays - those that have not yet been thrown out of koinonia - even these understand that all arguments for change over the other side in Auntie Overseas in the really scientific form of the christian catholic faith do needs must have to pass the tests OF SCRIPTURE, TRADITION, and organic MAGISTERIUM since these are the vehicls of normative revelation, BEFORE being passed or even being seriously mooted. So the catholiques do their homework on all heresies associated with excessive change. Are the catholics a bit slow? Unwieldy toward women?" Maybe but a religion is a force for conservatism is the position of the Rev Simon. Nobody phones the cardinals at London or even the lovely nuncio down south. Did anybody ask Dr Muller at the Holy Office for a report?? Such is the alarmed Rev Syms.

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