Friday 29 November 2013

And besides

And besides the Queen would not give her royal assent to anything that vexes the spiritual powers, since since the days of Magna Carta the monarch has always had to keep these spiritual powers happy in their copes and croziers - powerful men and women who will not be forced and cajoled into secular attitudes that are not yet scripture based. A debate must first begin at general synod. The early christian church was a great attraction to the rent boys and call girls of the pagan Orphic and Isis temples of the empire, because of the boyish saviour Jesus posing as Apollo and Orpheus in the official images and statuary, but attraction and pastoral love is one thing, official rite and hebrew doctrine quite another, since Levicitus still has to be negotiated with compassion. Neither Aaron nor Moses really wished the hebrew slaves to recidivise back to the gay catamite status they had as sex slaves in Egypt to the slave drivers of the Pharoahs. The song of the hebrew slaves should be revisited. Much debate forecast before some accommodation will be reached. And new rites must appear. It is not that the Church of England wishes to deny these lovely couples their due happiness - merely that the Old Testament must be duly explained away on this sore point before progress can be made. Meantime the state can marry now that it has JPs up to the job and registry offices and hotels all over the kingdom open to it. With solemn formulas.

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