Thursday 28 November 2013


Pride of place must be given to Justin - a good job well done. Well look, the Arch of Deans at Canterbury is moving right along on his agenda - and he has asked christians to repent for ever having contributed to that strange Jew-baiting type atmosphere where gays were seconded to bedlams and hospitals for re-education and for chemical and electric treatment, just because we had not accepted diversity in our pathetic little luddite world after the reformation when a foreign spirit of spite crept in the back door of reformation anglican christianity - not that anglican christianity was ever meant to be so low church or reformed as the official Via media in northern europe and the defender of the [apostolic] faith. Reformation christians have been weak on pluralism in places like rump Geneva. Shades of the village.

Funnily enough the opposite attitude of openness and of patronage despite orientation is to be found among our masters in compassion, the renaissance popes like the soldier Julius II or the astronomer Urban VIII - these popes looked kindly on those artists who were known for a little playing off the official natural law pitches such as Caravaggio and Michelangelo, and it was not just because they were producing useful art either. They felt that humanitas required compassion and the secrecy of the confessional - maybe they were too good as confessors to descend into judgmentalism; whereas we had foolishly jettisoned confessionals and so also disposed of an important service to lots of people on the margins, the science of conscience jurisprudence which went out with the 1548 BCP alas as a "papistical ceremony". The renaissance popes and the Borgias maybe could teach us how an imperial power should behave toward our brothers and sisters on the gay side of debate. Well done Justin. Civil rights are civil rights. Enough of the bedlam please here in Britain.

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