Friday 29 November 2013


So until the new rites for weddings appear, authorised by general synod and approved by the usual vote in parliament, nothing can be done for gays that present themselves to churches for weddings. It is not as if the words can be changed ad hoc on the day anyway, since the entire introduction and preamble has to be adapted at length too, to reflect any official change in terminology, with a long introduction as to why the prescriptions of the Old Hebrew Bible in Leviticus and Deuteronomy about the old practices of Egypt and its many slaveries must be overturned in this time period and in this epoch. So much work to be done - if synod approves. Long debates. In any case the clergy till then enjoy a discretion at law, so that they can turn people away, and have always had that discretion if they so choose. It is not a state church or state faith as people commonly understand it in the gentlemen's clubs of Pall Mall. It is an endowed faith that expresses the spiritual power in the realm, and, most importantly, York and Canterbury remain the fathers in God of the monarch - as per Henry VIII, 2. Spiritual struggles.

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