Monday 10 March 2014

But what

Well now we know what bishops are for. While the rest of the world is logged on to the good old Dalai Lama's website and web-blog, and the Crimea is teetering on the cliff-edge of some very hard decisions, the bishops of the CoE and the RC communities in GB still haven't even registered that there is a world out there begging for someone to read the signs of the times !! Where are the universal prayer services for international peace and global fraternity and sorority by the way? While Rome is burning, all these civilist Neros are twiddling their thumbs and talking to each other about their latest purchases from Watts and Wippells haberdashery departments!! Shame on you all for not confronting your bishops and your deans of chapter - when there should be a world peace shrine where true believers can light josticks to peace in each and every cathedral, and a world peace cafe in every cathedral coffee shop where the great and the good can listen to songs of world peace or CND action such as John Lennon's Imagine - shame on you all. Pagoda.

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