Monday 24 March 2014


Evans to murgatroyd, much water has passed under the silken bridges this weather, what with the local vicars all announcing they are just vicars or literally vicarii - seconds in command - to the local bishop who is the real rector of the parish, making them all rectors in commendam, as it were, which was the situation on the eve of the great Boleyn and Aragon reform in 1524. Yes local vicars were just that in those days, what with distant cardinals and bishops and even popes being rectors ex distantia for these little country parishes, such as St Peter's or St Lawrence's, in those cases Benedetto Gaetani and Emmanuele Sarto, a fact which compels some of the locals to exaggerate when they have a real dashing francophiliac vicar between their knees such as the local Rev Peter, fluttering about in his French style cassock. He worked for the Rev Rachel who was also a rector in commendam and the president of the local beneficium, but helas has flown away to the Antipodes after one of the local lassies at St Lawrence reported a chelsea bun on the rise in the proverbial ovens of winsome desire in the locale. Her lady boss was much taken with the news though slightly miffed that more chelsea and less bun did not make it to that privileged altar, where young Rosie had very publicly and very vocally worshipped the local vicar in his uniform. What some chelsea girls will do for a uniform - my oh my - it is like a scene from Vanity Fair or Sense and Sensibility - chance would be a fine thing. And to think that I used to flutter in there to that chantry cafe with my boy choristers from Windsor and salute the fine thing of many girls's fantasies. Anyway the Rev Peter has fled the island and taken some other fluzie with him, and not Rosie H-W, much to the consternation of the local chelsea girl guide brigade who had hoped to have a nice public wedding by summertide, if not to Gabriella then certainly to Rosie N in the absence of Rosie H-W. Golly gosh - what some young girls will do for a chelsea bun when surrounded by a nice flash in the pan uniform. Anyway off to the choristers for another round of Wachet auf.

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