Friday 7 March 2014

Oh the lex coelibatus

Well the lived experience of holy celibacy as the Romans practise it though is not a great advert for an integrated caste of dons let alone for priests. To begin with it often amounts to institutional aloneness, clerics hiding away in their presbyteries not daring to come out and socialise in constructive ways; participating in gender nullifying misogyny; cracking each other's whips by anticipating departures; breaking news of each other's compromises with good form; serving slavish reductionist ideals such as quadraginta annos et non pulchra; appointing then ugly housekeepers, getting a name for themselves as purveyors of the ugly; appointing large and fat and ugly co-workers from the female domain so as not to cause scandal among Jansenist or Agricolan or Febronian parishioners who are never at any point challenged in their vicious commentaries on young energetic curates; never correcting an official hermeneutic of celibacy as just misogyny pure and simple; failing to curtail the activities of official celibates who are really just gay actives oppressing women through old fashioned moral injunctions on contraception; appointing bishops who are a safe pair of hands because they never go out to socialise especially with young pretty women; Holding up as ideal those clerics who are good with boy scouts; anointing as seniors and leaders those mealy mouthed dripping silica led mean clerics who observe an official coldness toward young single women; marking the cards of curates who do dynamic work among youth groups and the female; cynical commentary on those that fall in love as if this were a public disaster; marking as defectors the records of those who compromise with women through heavy duty therapy; parking the notorious straights into vast bureaucratic self-help vocation retrieval facilities; questioning the vocations of those who venture out for a coffee with the occasional pretty young housewife; casting aspersions on cardinals even who have women as friends; dumping on bishops who go on holiday with female religious; so nothing is really safe in that world of old men's clubs which the lex coelibatus has become; and then they wonder why youngsters and children think they are minor abusers? This is the concrete praxis of the lex as lived out in holy huddles hiding from the world of women; I wonder if anyone can help out these poor buggers among superstitious Romans? Rev Hughie Jones.

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