Monday 19 November 2012


Thank God at last, the new bishop-elect arch of Cantuar has signalled that he will resolve all this useless absurdity about ordaining women as bishops, as if we were ordaining heretics or occultists or something!! What is the matter with the Old Church of England at the moment on this issue? They ordained deacons as deaconesses years ago, priests as priestesses decades ago, so why baulk now at bishops as bishopesses? A Logic O level for everyone at Oxford please. For goodness sake, the Queen Elizabeth II herself, when she is not canonising her own illustrious and gorgeous predecessor in Elizabeth I, is more or less ordained as the monarch, supreme font of spiritual and temporal power as well as overarching temporal governor of the Real Church of England, and wears a cope and stole before coronation. Yes babies in the old fashioned and out of date Old Church of England - she wears a cope and a stole before coronation. Wake up please misogynistic time-serving vicars. If you don't like it, then off you go, and retire from public life into the old catholic religion of the simplefolk. Goodbye. You have signed up for a ticket to Moscow, so there is no getting off at Warsaw. So why all this kerfuffle about something that should be entirely natural? This is a disciplinary issue and not a theological or dogmatic one - it can never achieve the status of a definition and its commission can never become a heresy. It is not a heresy to ordain women to a woman's church presided over by a woman and involving mostly women on all given sundays! Are we all mad in the Old Church of England? It is a women's church for Pete's sake. So thanks be to God we have a new bishop called Justin who will move the whole process on further DV. And women make very good vicars by the way - very multi-tasking, very organised, very open.  

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