Friday 16 November 2012

Golly gosh

Ahhhhhh some time at last after a busy day at the church offices to sit down at the vicarage on the terrazza and have some hot crumpets soup and tea. Oh golly, am truly evacuated of all meaning after a long day explaining the meaning of life to all and sundry. Anyway, nice to have the new arch of Cantuar on board. Seems nice enough, though one imagines he will carefully wish to steer the barque of Anglicana out to sea again , but this time for some few nautical miles in the direction of Geneva. Well enough, though the rank and file do want their saints canonised and we have a nice crop to choose from here in the Jolly Hockeysticks Version of the Church of England, as in historical figures from the past, decently deceased a good 10 years plus, and featuring such mentors as Queen Elizabeth I, Henry VI, Henry V, Charles I, Queen Victoria, and some notables too from ordinary life such as dear old Dr Ramsey. Yes we can do all this at General Synod on a 4/5ths vote plus the Royal Assent, and I am sure Ma'am will agree since her protestant oath is not a theological one but a political one - just keeping the wolves of Madrid from the door and even the odd fox from the Papal States. Gawd bless her ladyship and her courtiers. 

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