Friday 23 November 2012

Mm well that's theory n praxis

Well that is the theory behind British monarchy, religion, and consecration and anointing. Though it has to be said that down the centuries, since Boleyn and her boyo, the papal states have always asked for prudence on the part of the ecclesia anglicana and even of respect for them on the part of the ecclesia anglica. So in these debates about ordination of the girlies, the vatikanstadt will sometimes say things like - go easy and be careful how you reason the thing. The state is on your backs, so be prudent, and above theological first, political second, since you are supposed to be a church and not any extension of the NHS. And all because, the German high command knows that - a) the ordinary British punter is not keen on badly communicated vatican edict as per the Warlock bodge-up of the jazz surrounding humanae vitae; b) nor is the GB public that keen on lutheran cromwellian republicanism; c) the anglican hierarchy should always drift back to prudence in tradition; d) the orthodox eastern churches are not all that keen on departures from tradition unless closely reasoned with entirely and only scriptural and theological arguments. The greatest treason being to do the right thing for the wrong reason - T S Eliot. That is how official high command of the papal states overseas sees the matter. So maybe the general synod is right to put on the breaks again for a little while. Besides, all the older boyo vicars have yet to submit their reports on how the girlie vicars are actually faring and surviving in practice. That jury is still out. More anon. 

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