Sunday 9 December 2012

And so many thanks

Aussies. Hmmm. Well I am sitting at my desk at the church chantry building, nr Crick, toasting both the willowy Rev Simon Godfrey and the svelte Rev Joseph Loveday, two wonderful old vicar friends of mine who are hoping to swim the Tiber in Tibet poor things, and sipping my mug of colombian coffee at the moment and praising God that the Farc rebels will no longer interrupt my international flows of precious colombian chocolate style coffee, and here on my desk is a letter from a chief wallah in Whitehall filled with fulminating rage about aussies pressing their suits on our monarch so to speak. I shall represent it in full at some point, but basically it says, why do we tolerate men in grey suits in aussie-land who have no respect for an honourable woman like young Miss Katie? Between us, between you and me, in the old days, the first person to rise to the white rage of the pulpit on the privacy rights of our monarchy families would have been the archbishop of Canterbury as the young princess's Merlin, but I see that central GHQ-anglicana has been listening to too many faceless soviet style eurocrats in other vaticanese churches for just too long. Te Russian Tsar Validimir cannot stand them all, all these old grey dinosaur type hangers-on from Tashkent, but they still mope around Brussels and Rome helas. Roll on Justin - come to our aid who have recourse to thee.

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