Saturday 30 March 2013

And a happy pascha

Well tonight we wish all our young vicars and canons a very Happy Easter Night, the most solemn and most beautiful night of the year, what with the singing of favourites like the Early Church Exultet and the like and its sweet memento of the work of the honey bees. We hope everybody finds their Easter bunny or cadbury's creme egg in the vicarage gardens tomorrow morning and that all children will give pressies to each other tomorrow, especially since Easter is now recognised even by the secular world as the New Christmas!! Happy Easter to Jesus, happy Easter to you all!!

Friday 22 March 2013


Churches are nice. Shame that the legendary learned Dawkins has not built his temples yet so we can visit them and criticise them.


Anyway it is always a happy day when a non-false pope is enthroned. There is so much of the false prophet kind of pope around nowadays. So nice just to see some real ecclesiastical charm and elegance for a change. The world's media and the secular media moguls are all in love with the old pope in old Rome but if the world speaks well of a prophet we have it from the originating licensing authority in holy writ that the prophet is probably false. He certainly has some very dodgy characters around him including someone called the living waste-paper bin - El cestino - though anybody throwing out that much paper is definitely destroying the habitats of our beautiful kamayame indians in Venezuela. Mind you, soviets know no different, nor the red chinese kind either, always flooding villages and building dams all over the poor kulak land holding peasants. Cash never offends in Red China. And there is no such thing as a mere individual in such 1984 states, since the state is everything, their states are all. Noamh Chomsky - come back all is forgiven.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Habemus papam

Deo gratias - habemus papam etiam - we have a pope too. Not the usual Italico-communist rubbish in Roma secunda, but the real thing that little boy Jesus envisaged in the First Century when he came to these islands, i.e. a nice mild mannered pope that doesn't throw around personal excommunications like two frenetic cretins in 1054. Roman communists install their leadership contest, but anglo-catholics of the true Jesus foundation a la Jerusalem and Glastonbury and Wales enthrone their pope. Enthronement is just much more elegant than the rubbish we see in Roma secunda nowadays. Besides at least here we believe and we accept the enthronement of christian shepherds and pastors. In Roma prima. In Londinium. Jc would like a mild form of christianity at times. Thundering non-entities spitting out interdicts are not where it is at. So original christianity, blessed by Judaism, started here in the twin islands of Britannia and Hybernia. Whereas the USSR - Vat 69 division does nothing much beyond install yet another kitchen unit who believes in ceaseless toil. Hyena QAs. Thank you very much, but don't call us, we will call you.


At last a proper enthronement at Canterbury, instead of the usual socialist claptrap we get from the Romans in Rome, too afraid to advertise the fact that the king of kings is the founder of their much reduced and depleted and derazzed religion, like old Iraqi uranium shells, after years of imbibing rubbishy Ussr perspectives through the British and Spanish communist parties. Roll on the nationalists of Franco - at least they had style. Plastic chairs and plastic popes in Rome this weather, telling everybody that Francis of Assisi loves them. And then skimping on important institutes like ordination, consecration, and coronation if not enthronement. The new pope is socialistically installed - like a kitchen unit - and there is not much left of anything there nowadays as the Ussr monsignors give forth their ideology of envy everyday from Loggia windows. That useless crowd of all weathers in their wind cheaters cannot even find a coronation rite for Jesus' second in command. Oh yes, glad to have a proper enthronement done with style here at home. Let the loss of HMS Catholica in Rome be a lesson to General Synod - red canons to be expunged before they fleece the entire religion. Not what the people want. Incense me George.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Golly gosh

What, what's this? This is more shocking than Emma Watson starring in Fifty Shades of Gray. This is something different. Well - now there hangs a tale - a new pope, from the americas such as New Portugal or whatever. He lives in an old shoddy flat, and not in the huge ornate bishop's palaces and houses of bishops lower down the scale in every respect. He rides around on buses and trains and public transport. He reaches out to single mothers and poor kids born out of wedlock. He refuses to criminalise unhappy mothers. He does not reduce or dehumanise the women unable to find a husband with designs on marriage. He does not disdain or despise those young single girls desperate for some quality DNA. He speaks kindly to prostitutes and conducts christian eucharists for the call-girls of the cities, just like the early christians used to, in their apostolate to the temple priestesses of the Lavinia years of Titus, and he refuses to pass judgement on such unhappy souls with all the usual spondoolie laden manikin pis sort of puritan superciliousness that one finds incessantly among the rich upper power-seeking classes who can all afford to be pious and moral ad infinitum to the young children below them, or the vermin kids of the nation, as they call them all, and yet rich enough to use such girls, or worse, boys. The powerful alas we will always have with us. Well this is different. This is new. Maybe this is a new world papacy. This is a new papacy for a new world. Golly gosh. We are impressed Bp Justin. And believe me, it is so so so so so hard to impress the Real Church of England, suffering down here on the ground by the rivers of your many Babylons of Rev 17.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Zeppelins a la chinois

Tis a funny business, returning to the family home, this time in Cricklewood, where the folks have a huge old rambling victorian house, and finding myself unoccupied one afternoon, I took myself upstairs to the loft, and began to rummage around the old boxes of storage. I came across an old booklet, with some yellowed and part burnt paper-sheets, and on one a poem or a song was writ, by an old soldier, about London during the Blitz. Here it goes, to the tune of Lead Kindly Light I think -

Lead gentle spright, amid the gloom and doom,
Lead thou us on;
The bombs are rain, the night is largely gone, lead thou us on;
And when old Fritz declares his anger so,
Come to our aid, and keep us on the go.

Lead gentle spright, amid the falling shells
Keep us in our wits
The Heinkels are over, and we can't make it home, lead thou us on;
And if you should wake us in the soft soft morn
And if we live, still lead us gently home.

Lead gentle spright, amid the incendiaries too
We can't take all this
The Stukas dive, the Dorniers too unload, lead thou us on;
And if you call us to our heavenly reward
Keep by us still, present us to the Lord.

Capt Dick Fairey - Montgomery's Land Army.

Something to think about in these times of credit crunch and Cssr assault.

Lord Cecil 2010.