Friday 22 March 2013


Anyway it is always a happy day when a non-false pope is enthroned. There is so much of the false prophet kind of pope around nowadays. So nice just to see some real ecclesiastical charm and elegance for a change. The world's media and the secular media moguls are all in love with the old pope in old Rome but if the world speaks well of a prophet we have it from the originating licensing authority in holy writ that the prophet is probably false. He certainly has some very dodgy characters around him including someone called the living waste-paper bin - El cestino - though anybody throwing out that much paper is definitely destroying the habitats of our beautiful kamayame indians in Venezuela. Mind you, soviets know no different, nor the red chinese kind either, always flooding villages and building dams all over the poor kulak land holding peasants. Cash never offends in Red China. And there is no such thing as a mere individual in such 1984 states, since the state is everything, their states are all. Noamh Chomsky - come back all is forgiven.

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