Thursday 21 March 2013


At last a proper enthronement at Canterbury, instead of the usual socialist claptrap we get from the Romans in Rome, too afraid to advertise the fact that the king of kings is the founder of their much reduced and depleted and derazzed religion, like old Iraqi uranium shells, after years of imbibing rubbishy Ussr perspectives through the British and Spanish communist parties. Roll on the nationalists of Franco - at least they had style. Plastic chairs and plastic popes in Rome this weather, telling everybody that Francis of Assisi loves them. And then skimping on important institutes like ordination, consecration, and coronation if not enthronement. The new pope is socialistically installed - like a kitchen unit - and there is not much left of anything there nowadays as the Ussr monsignors give forth their ideology of envy everyday from Loggia windows. That useless crowd of all weathers in their wind cheaters cannot even find a coronation rite for Jesus' second in command. Oh yes, glad to have a proper enthronement done with style here at home. Let the loss of HMS Catholica in Rome be a lesson to General Synod - red canons to be expunged before they fleece the entire religion. Not what the people want. Incense me George.

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