Saturday 9 March 2013

Zeppelins a la chinois

Tis a funny business, returning to the family home, this time in Cricklewood, where the folks have a huge old rambling victorian house, and finding myself unoccupied one afternoon, I took myself upstairs to the loft, and began to rummage around the old boxes of storage. I came across an old booklet, with some yellowed and part burnt paper-sheets, and on one a poem or a song was writ, by an old soldier, about London during the Blitz. Here it goes, to the tune of Lead Kindly Light I think -

Lead gentle spright, amid the gloom and doom,
Lead thou us on;
The bombs are rain, the night is largely gone, lead thou us on;
And when old Fritz declares his anger so,
Come to our aid, and keep us on the go.

Lead gentle spright, amid the falling shells
Keep us in our wits
The Heinkels are over, and we can't make it home, lead thou us on;
And if you should wake us in the soft soft morn
And if we live, still lead us gently home.

Lead gentle spright, amid the incendiaries too
We can't take all this
The Stukas dive, the Dorniers too unload, lead thou us on;
And if you call us to our heavenly reward
Keep by us still, present us to the Lord.

Capt Dick Fairey - Montgomery's Land Army.

Something to think about in these times of credit crunch and Cssr assault.

Lord Cecil 2010.

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