Saturday 16 March 2013

Golly gosh

What, what's this? This is more shocking than Emma Watson starring in Fifty Shades of Gray. This is something different. Well - now there hangs a tale - a new pope, from the americas such as New Portugal or whatever. He lives in an old shoddy flat, and not in the huge ornate bishop's palaces and houses of bishops lower down the scale in every respect. He rides around on buses and trains and public transport. He reaches out to single mothers and poor kids born out of wedlock. He refuses to criminalise unhappy mothers. He does not reduce or dehumanise the women unable to find a husband with designs on marriage. He does not disdain or despise those young single girls desperate for some quality DNA. He speaks kindly to prostitutes and conducts christian eucharists for the call-girls of the cities, just like the early christians used to, in their apostolate to the temple priestesses of the Lavinia years of Titus, and he refuses to pass judgement on such unhappy souls with all the usual spondoolie laden manikin pis sort of puritan superciliousness that one finds incessantly among the rich upper power-seeking classes who can all afford to be pious and moral ad infinitum to the young children below them, or the vermin kids of the nation, as they call them all, and yet rich enough to use such girls, or worse, boys. The powerful alas we will always have with us. Well this is different. This is new. Maybe this is a new world papacy. This is a new papacy for a new world. Golly gosh. We are impressed Bp Justin. And believe me, it is so so so so so hard to impress the Real Church of England, suffering down here on the ground by the rivers of your many Babylons of Rev 17.

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