Thursday 21 March 2013

Habemus papam

Deo gratias - habemus papam etiam - we have a pope too. Not the usual Italico-communist rubbish in Roma secunda, but the real thing that little boy Jesus envisaged in the First Century when he came to these islands, i.e. a nice mild mannered pope that doesn't throw around personal excommunications like two frenetic cretins in 1054. Roman communists install their leadership contest, but anglo-catholics of the true Jesus foundation a la Jerusalem and Glastonbury and Wales enthrone their pope. Enthronement is just much more elegant than the rubbish we see in Roma secunda nowadays. Besides at least here we believe and we accept the enthronement of christian shepherds and pastors. In Roma prima. In Londinium. Jc would like a mild form of christianity at times. Thundering non-entities spitting out interdicts are not where it is at. So original christianity, blessed by Judaism, started here in the twin islands of Britannia and Hybernia. Whereas the USSR - Vat 69 division does nothing much beyond install yet another kitchen unit who believes in ceaseless toil. Hyena QAs. Thank you very much, but don't call us, we will call you.

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