Sunday 16 December 2012

Aha sweet Lord we pray

Oh lord won't you buy me a mercedes benz, and this is one reason why poor boys and poor jacks are elevated to the purple in history, just to give them a better standing among their peers, and to show that the episcopal appointments committee is not wholly given over to the aristocracy and the governing classes, as they used to be called, once upon a time. But there are lots of vicars who are heading for retirement in the glorious old C of E and these are being tempted to retire first from us and then swim over the Tiber to join all the catholics, 1billion of them, in glory on the banks of vatican stadion, notwithstanding heaps of Ussr propaganda these last 3 decades about the private lives of an apparently celibate lifestyle. Still this does not deter since most vicars are intelligent enough about old style Eighties propaganda designed to destabilise western economies and churches and confidence building institutes at the centre of those systems, and they know in their hearts of hearts that the catholics do have a good system that allows for confession and weekly conversion and that nobody is cast out from the pale of the sweet Christ bar maybe those who pleasure for pleasure's sake. But the problem is that once retired and more and more are doing so, will they receive a kindly welcome over on the other side of the banks of the Tiber? Yes in Rome certainly, and in America, where the catholics are intelligent and not so servile to Boymac's propaganda in favour of women priests, but there is also the slowness of the catholic Ussr style bishops of the Kremlins of Dublin and London to respond to these sincere conscience seekers. The new working-class bishops are still finding their feet, though scarlette here would say that aristocrats make better bishops, and these new bishops, cast onto such forbidding British shores, are slowly coming to realise that they are nobodies on a forgotten soil, far from the papal states and their zones of interest, Australia and South Africa and South America. But anglicanorum coetibus has happened, so there is time for all vicars who wish to move over to consider the Cantuar retirement option - thoug this may close in 5 years time. So tis time to move over soon. Only we regret all this here on holy anglicana and the via media, since we started ordaining women to keep the queen happy. Maybe we should have. But we are losing most vicars. They do have some theology and some scripture. And some even have a bit of church history. A woman with just an O level and an A level in religious studies does not inspire confidence in motioning forward such old gnostic debates. Still we plod on. Our friend chestleton has slowed up the process over on the Tiber by imposing a temporary if not permanent block to this innovation, so he may win this debate long term. In the early churches there were many ministries that were open to women - prostasis, mathetes, didaskolon, diakonissa, katechista, presbytides, glossolator, interpres - though chestleton says these above were just ministries as per I corinthians, and not the 6 major orders of governance, diakonos, presbyteros, episkopos, metropolitanos, huper-diakonon ie cardinales, and princeps or papa-imperator.

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