Wednesday 19 December 2012

Oh and congrats in order

Oh and it is congrats to ma'am and the pm for making another bit of antarctica into something recognisable and British, and why not, in a glorious reign that is now resembling that of her glorious predecessor Elizabetha la Prima. Speaking of the past, at last we now have an Italian jesuit who has examined all the recently discovered papers surrounding the provisional statement of the then holy father Pope Leo XIII on English holy orders in the ecclesia anglica from the time of Edward VI, and Fr Rambaldi has now revealed that the decision was made to null and void them only pro tem until new historical evidence emerged. The british catholic conference of bishops, sore pressed into service and hard work after being apostolic vicars, had put lots of pressure on the then secretary of state im vatikan Mgr Merry del Val, a local boy from Windsor, and a great friend of Queen Victoria, and he had been forced to ask the pope to pronounce a conservative decision though not a final one, so it was decided pro tem - until. New evidence now emergent shows that the convocation of bishops that produced the Book of Common Prayer had no intention to delete the catholic references to sacrifice and sacerdotium and only did so in text when forced to by the cajoling and threatening Lord Somerset, a bit of a Geneva-tootling bovver boy by all accounts. He was no morris minor was Lord Somerset. And the boy king was obdurate. So the intent to annull the past, or deny the catholicity of old doctrine, or to annull the Old Testament legacy of temple priestly sacrifice was not present in the minds of the authorising bishops of 1548. Hence anglican orders are probably all pretty solid - at least as intended by the prelates themselves ever since. And Princess Margaret for such reasons always genuflected when going into canglican churches - presumption was solid. Any doubt has now been erased by Common Worship which slides all the repositioning of Newman on the Big 39 Articles back into official prayers. Well done Fr Rambaldi and well done Queen Elizabeth. A good decade of research in Rome. DG.

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