Tuesday 18 December 2012

Oh for the good old days

Oh yes, the good old days, when bishops of major sees were appointed not by some panel of laity plus canon plus MP plus police superintendent, but by a team of bishops in holy vigil and prayer, and then surrendered to the PM and the cabinet and then the Royal Assent. Those were the days, when bishops arrived at the highest of spiritual offices and dynamic missions full of the grace of ordination and consecration, but especially hallowed and sanctified by the good opinion and esteem of the icons of common sense of the nation, and fingered by the call of destiny. What today? More neo-jewish Political Correctness ideology from old mother russia, an atheist creed familiar only to the likes of old guard bolshevik spies like the Britisher agent James Joyce, and one posing as respectable pluralism, when it is in fact just another expression of the political beast that invades families which we used to call nationalist socialism. Hitler was jewish too on his mother's side. So no prizes for contradiction in the world of politics. East-coast Usa neo-jewish liberalism is not very liberal though - victims of these thought-process panels are always sent to some gulag at some Stalag 14 for clinical re-education - yissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss it still goes on, and so these modern panels of church appointments are just excuses for more moralising of a superficial kind from the old school tie mandarins of Moscow, and full of stuffed shirts pretending to be christian prelates, when they are just invading red canons. More red dawns. More silly appointments. More silly sermons. No koine greek. No theology. Just red dawn politics in all houses, bishops, clergy and laity. Come back Carey, all is forgiven. 

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