Saturday 29 December 2012

Re the church

Anyway, the real church of england continues plodding along. But is there anybody there in the pews who really appreciates us for what we do to stabilise the nation? Nobody understands that the archbishop of old Cantuar is second in the nation behind the queen and it is his job or her job in the future to articulate the ordinary feelings of the monarch and defend the status quo in a way that is reasonable and positive and secure. The church of england does exist and is still here - for anyone who wants to go to their own churches. These churches have been standing around now for thousands of years and it is only right that the state and the electorate looks after them with some Public Buildings legislation and works programme, as per Italy. States that do us in for not conducting weddings as seen fit by parliament should foot the bill if they want us to do the state's bidding. And why not? We are not vindictive people - we are open minded. Show forth your proofs. Convince us.  

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