Friday 29 November 2013

And besides

And besides the Queen would not give her royal assent to anything that vexes the spiritual powers, since since the days of Magna Carta the monarch has always had to keep these spiritual powers happy in their copes and croziers - powerful men and women who will not be forced and cajoled into secular attitudes that are not yet scripture based. A debate must first begin at general synod. The early christian church was a great attraction to the rent boys and call girls of the pagan Orphic and Isis temples of the empire, because of the boyish saviour Jesus posing as Apollo and Orpheus in the official images and statuary, but attraction and pastoral love is one thing, official rite and hebrew doctrine quite another, since Levicitus still has to be negotiated with compassion. Neither Aaron nor Moses really wished the hebrew slaves to recidivise back to the gay catamite status they had as sex slaves in Egypt to the slave drivers of the Pharoahs. The song of the hebrew slaves should be revisited. Much debate forecast before some accommodation will be reached. And new rites must appear. It is not that the Church of England wishes to deny these lovely couples their due happiness - merely that the Old Testament must be duly explained away on this sore point before progress can be made. Meantime the state can marry now that it has JPs up to the job and registry offices and hotels all over the kingdom open to it. With solemn formulas.


So until the new rites for weddings appear, authorised by general synod and approved by the usual vote in parliament, nothing can be done for gays that present themselves to churches for weddings. It is not as if the words can be changed ad hoc on the day anyway, since the entire introduction and preamble has to be adapted at length too, to reflect any official change in terminology, with a long introduction as to why the prescriptions of the Old Hebrew Bible in Leviticus and Deuteronomy about the old practices of Egypt and its many slaveries must be overturned in this time period and in this epoch. So much work to be done - if synod approves. Long debates. In any case the clergy till then enjoy a discretion at law, so that they can turn people away, and have always had that discretion if they so choose. It is not a state church or state faith as people commonly understand it in the gentlemen's clubs of Pall Mall. It is an endowed faith that expresses the spiritual power in the realm, and, most importantly, York and Canterbury remain the fathers in God of the monarch - as per Henry VIII, 2. Spiritual struggles.


Lots of vicars do forget that an endowed church does not have any real civil obligations to the temporal side of the state, so that if there were any suggestions that gay weddings become mandatory or expected, the rites would have to be devised and this to go before synod. A discretion in any case is always granted to vicars - they do not have to marry drunks at the church or the impenitent or even royals if they are scruffy, so the same goes for other categories of person. Anyway from the point of view of the general theory of church and state, it is an endowed church not an established one.


Yes technically the Church of England is more an endowed church than an established one, and this is how the matter stands in comparative law - much like the old situation of the catholics in the Irish constitution at the old article 44 - they are simply recognised as the majority faith but only because they are a standard majority - and that can change too as numbers of catholics increase so rapidly, and thuswise the CoE retains some independence from the sphere of the temporal in civil law. It was always said that CoE canon law became UK domestic law by dint of the Commons and parliament assent and the Queen's own assent, but this is illusion and grandiose pretension, more civil effects than a real blessing of the civil temporal force. Besides the two sees of York and Canterbury remain the spiritual directors of the prime minister. And these alone.


A stressing time, what with many vicars assuming that they will be asked and must accede to express wishes from gay boy couples and girl couples to be married in the churches of the established faith, even though there is no formal rite or ceremony for the idea. Also many vicars assumed that the establishment of the faith by law is also a simple meal ticket to all and sundry, as defined and impressed upon by the powers temporal of some parliamentary organ. But tis not the case, since even at the height of the reformation, there are statutes of Henry VIII which recall that the spiritual is distinct from the temporal and that the idea of establishment is not what it seems. Though the king or queen is the governor, there is scope for freedom for the spiritual power. Indeed the solemn statutes of Henry still view the spiritual vs the temporal as a division of opposition, and a healthy one too.

Thursday 28 November 2013


Pride of place must be given to Justin - a good job well done. Well look, the Arch of Deans at Canterbury is moving right along on his agenda - and he has asked christians to repent for ever having contributed to that strange Jew-baiting type atmosphere where gays were seconded to bedlams and hospitals for re-education and for chemical and electric treatment, just because we had not accepted diversity in our pathetic little luddite world after the reformation when a foreign spirit of spite crept in the back door of reformation anglican christianity - not that anglican christianity was ever meant to be so low church or reformed as the official Via media in northern europe and the defender of the [apostolic] faith. Reformation christians have been weak on pluralism in places like rump Geneva. Shades of the village.

Funnily enough the opposite attitude of openness and of patronage despite orientation is to be found among our masters in compassion, the renaissance popes like the soldier Julius II or the astronomer Urban VIII - these popes looked kindly on those artists who were known for a little playing off the official natural law pitches such as Caravaggio and Michelangelo, and it was not just because they were producing useful art either. They felt that humanitas required compassion and the secrecy of the confessional - maybe they were too good as confessors to descend into judgmentalism; whereas we had foolishly jettisoned confessionals and so also disposed of an important service to lots of people on the margins, the science of conscience jurisprudence which went out with the 1548 BCP alas as a "papistical ceremony". The renaissance popes and the Borgias maybe could teach us how an imperial power should behave toward our brothers and sisters on the gay side of debate. Well done Justin. Civil rights are civil rights. Enough of the bedlam please here in Britain.

Thursday 30 May 2013


Well we are fading into the mists of Avalon this weather. Slowly but surely, the mists are engulfing us and we shall soon be just a memory to chelsea chatter. As the poetess Edna Carberry used to put it of the wonder-filled faerie folk - There they go, there they go, off to the isles of Imaal. Yes 'tis time for Lauren of Penzance and I to remove ourselves from London gazes and find a quiet little cottage in the South West where she is based at university near Falmouth. Marina biology will be a welcome and pleasant diversion. Who knows we might find out way to Padstow. So we are off to the Pirates of Penzance. Steal away, steal away.


Ah the Church of England settling down to a nice quiet summer. Hopefully nothing too shocking or surprising will happen this summer and we can get wet on our quiet lawns on the south Downs with impunity, bar maybe some announcement by the Queen, say on her coronation anniversary on 2nd June 2013 that she will abdicate in favour young Charles. We shall see, but anyway, judging on my visit to St Alban's cathedral abbey, the atmosphere is sedate and serene, as ever.

Saturday 18 May 2013


The Real Church of England was always historically dedicated to a little bit of tension vis-a-vis the civil state, since it had it not only from the various monarchs of its time but also from the saints and mystics of the island that the Gelasian principle of two powers spiritual vs temporal kept the country in a state of healthy tension and debate. If all the power went to the state it became civilism, if all the power went to the spiritual, it became theocracy, and both these heresies lead to tyranny over the hard pressed citizenry. The flock of Christ was never meant to be governed by egyptian taskmasters and now and then in the wonderful 2000 years of the faith in the twin islands, a young Moses would be asked to arise and think dark thoughts in order to restore the balance between the 2 powers. So we give too much power to the PCC and this will lead to civilism and tyranny, and the invasion of conscience and privacy, as per the Dawkins empire, but if we give too much authority to the sacerdotium and the spiritual, then the democratic checks and balances do not get an opportunity to work their magic.

Sunday 28 April 2013


Absolute power always corrupts absolutely - and helas for all ecclesiastical gentlemen with pointed hats on, this is a universal principle that is valid the whole way round this hopeless planet. The more power is invested in some fruitcake that thinks he is sitting on the centre of the universe, the more the disaster that inevitably follows. Always always. The only exception is the Bishop of Rome and that is because he is surrounded by idiot-proof cardinals and monsignors who put him right when he is being stupid. Alas not so, not so are the witless successors to Augustine who still dine out with the Tories while thinking with the Reds. The reds of the venerabile were a case in point. Like the infamous cataline conspiracy in the time of Cicero, it took us 40 years to get the reds out of that august and venerable institution that Newman so loved, and we are still cleaning up the grey ideological hogwash and dichotomous divide-em-and-rule-em drivel resulting. The later black conspiracy involving a dark Malvoglio like some ridiculous Mithras figure for gay seminarians was even worse. Malvoglio in his burgundy smoking jacket a la Fr Noel Coward, and his worse yellow stockings. So there is no fool like an old fool, and there is nothing as absurd as an old red grandaddy who still thinks he is impressive in the Grauniad with the left-wing sixth form boys. This sort of behaviour should be dealt with by the wifey of the said Fly by Night. St Justin the real martyr - pray for us all in the grand old Church of England. England expects.

Monday 15 April 2013


Pocohontas would say that the early jesuit fathers were very brave on the frontiers of 18th century Canada. Very brave. They had to face her squaws and avaricious women. And brave they were. Imagine if you were a young Israelite boy and you had to meet Eva Braun???

Friday 12 April 2013

Let us pray

Let us all sincerely hope and opine in such grave times that our dear communist separated brethren will think hard and serious about any possible manoeuvres in the forthcoming days. With 2m men at arms on a green for go button it will be hard for them to pipe down their legions. And let us pray that our common love of Jesus the brother of the poor will yield peaceful results in those regions so close to the American Aleutian Islands. Jesus is always a brother to poor nations that cannot compete fairly with the richer ones. Paul VI wished it so - Populorum progressio. And Jesus would bless a nation so close to his heart as per - Acts 2:42. Still we must be vigilant -all threats to the peace of nations must be monitored. And besides we were solemnly warned by the military judges of Nuremberg 45 that disturbing the peace of nations is the gravest of all crimes against humanity. V agrees at Coombe Abbey. All quiet here at Jodrell Bank. The boys at Thornycroft nr Macclesfield are all well.

Lady T

Lady Thatcher was a serious woman - the Duke of Wellington of her time. The Churchill of her generation at conservative central office. Aside from such party considerations, she was every housewife's choice because she knew that come hell or high water, whatever the local TUC official said in the pubs around the factories each day at lunchtime, there had to be food on the table for the kids by 6 o'clock every evening. It took a woman to brush up the economy of sick industrial Britain in 1979.

Saturday 30 March 2013

And a happy pascha

Well tonight we wish all our young vicars and canons a very Happy Easter Night, the most solemn and most beautiful night of the year, what with the singing of favourites like the Early Church Exultet and the like and its sweet memento of the work of the honey bees. We hope everybody finds their Easter bunny or cadbury's creme egg in the vicarage gardens tomorrow morning and that all children will give pressies to each other tomorrow, especially since Easter is now recognised even by the secular world as the New Christmas!! Happy Easter to Jesus, happy Easter to you all!!

Friday 22 March 2013


Churches are nice. Shame that the legendary learned Dawkins has not built his temples yet so we can visit them and criticise them.


Anyway it is always a happy day when a non-false pope is enthroned. There is so much of the false prophet kind of pope around nowadays. So nice just to see some real ecclesiastical charm and elegance for a change. The world's media and the secular media moguls are all in love with the old pope in old Rome but if the world speaks well of a prophet we have it from the originating licensing authority in holy writ that the prophet is probably false. He certainly has some very dodgy characters around him including someone called the living waste-paper bin - El cestino - though anybody throwing out that much paper is definitely destroying the habitats of our beautiful kamayame indians in Venezuela. Mind you, soviets know no different, nor the red chinese kind either, always flooding villages and building dams all over the poor kulak land holding peasants. Cash never offends in Red China. And there is no such thing as a mere individual in such 1984 states, since the state is everything, their states are all. Noamh Chomsky - come back all is forgiven.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Habemus papam

Deo gratias - habemus papam etiam - we have a pope too. Not the usual Italico-communist rubbish in Roma secunda, but the real thing that little boy Jesus envisaged in the First Century when he came to these islands, i.e. a nice mild mannered pope that doesn't throw around personal excommunications like two frenetic cretins in 1054. Roman communists install their leadership contest, but anglo-catholics of the true Jesus foundation a la Jerusalem and Glastonbury and Wales enthrone their pope. Enthronement is just much more elegant than the rubbish we see in Roma secunda nowadays. Besides at least here we believe and we accept the enthronement of christian shepherds and pastors. In Roma prima. In Londinium. Jc would like a mild form of christianity at times. Thundering non-entities spitting out interdicts are not where it is at. So original christianity, blessed by Judaism, started here in the twin islands of Britannia and Hybernia. Whereas the USSR - Vat 69 division does nothing much beyond install yet another kitchen unit who believes in ceaseless toil. Hyena QAs. Thank you very much, but don't call us, we will call you.


At last a proper enthronement at Canterbury, instead of the usual socialist claptrap we get from the Romans in Rome, too afraid to advertise the fact that the king of kings is the founder of their much reduced and depleted and derazzed religion, like old Iraqi uranium shells, after years of imbibing rubbishy Ussr perspectives through the British and Spanish communist parties. Roll on the nationalists of Franco - at least they had style. Plastic chairs and plastic popes in Rome this weather, telling everybody that Francis of Assisi loves them. And then skimping on important institutes like ordination, consecration, and coronation if not enthronement. The new pope is socialistically installed - like a kitchen unit - and there is not much left of anything there nowadays as the Ussr monsignors give forth their ideology of envy everyday from Loggia windows. That useless crowd of all weathers in their wind cheaters cannot even find a coronation rite for Jesus' second in command. Oh yes, glad to have a proper enthronement done with style here at home. Let the loss of HMS Catholica in Rome be a lesson to General Synod - red canons to be expunged before they fleece the entire religion. Not what the people want. Incense me George.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Golly gosh

What, what's this? This is more shocking than Emma Watson starring in Fifty Shades of Gray. This is something different. Well - now there hangs a tale - a new pope, from the americas such as New Portugal or whatever. He lives in an old shoddy flat, and not in the huge ornate bishop's palaces and houses of bishops lower down the scale in every respect. He rides around on buses and trains and public transport. He reaches out to single mothers and poor kids born out of wedlock. He refuses to criminalise unhappy mothers. He does not reduce or dehumanise the women unable to find a husband with designs on marriage. He does not disdain or despise those young single girls desperate for some quality DNA. He speaks kindly to prostitutes and conducts christian eucharists for the call-girls of the cities, just like the early christians used to, in their apostolate to the temple priestesses of the Lavinia years of Titus, and he refuses to pass judgement on such unhappy souls with all the usual spondoolie laden manikin pis sort of puritan superciliousness that one finds incessantly among the rich upper power-seeking classes who can all afford to be pious and moral ad infinitum to the young children below them, or the vermin kids of the nation, as they call them all, and yet rich enough to use such girls, or worse, boys. The powerful alas we will always have with us. Well this is different. This is new. Maybe this is a new world papacy. This is a new papacy for a new world. Golly gosh. We are impressed Bp Justin. And believe me, it is so so so so so hard to impress the Real Church of England, suffering down here on the ground by the rivers of your many Babylons of Rev 17.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Zeppelins a la chinois

Tis a funny business, returning to the family home, this time in Cricklewood, where the folks have a huge old rambling victorian house, and finding myself unoccupied one afternoon, I took myself upstairs to the loft, and began to rummage around the old boxes of storage. I came across an old booklet, with some yellowed and part burnt paper-sheets, and on one a poem or a song was writ, by an old soldier, about London during the Blitz. Here it goes, to the tune of Lead Kindly Light I think -

Lead gentle spright, amid the gloom and doom,
Lead thou us on;
The bombs are rain, the night is largely gone, lead thou us on;
And when old Fritz declares his anger so,
Come to our aid, and keep us on the go.

Lead gentle spright, amid the falling shells
Keep us in our wits
The Heinkels are over, and we can't make it home, lead thou us on;
And if you should wake us in the soft soft morn
And if we live, still lead us gently home.

Lead gentle spright, amid the incendiaries too
We can't take all this
The Stukas dive, the Dorniers too unload, lead thou us on;
And if you call us to our heavenly reward
Keep by us still, present us to the Lord.

Capt Dick Fairey - Montgomery's Land Army.

Something to think about in these times of credit crunch and Cssr assault.

Lord Cecil 2010.

Friday 8 February 2013


Yet people sometimes mistake compassion for weakness of the mind, and they might tend to laugh at such acts of heroic kindness. Foolish though to do so, since compassion is always the first act of the weak, but only apparently so. Compassion - that rare gift, that rare gem. Weakness of the mind in others - maybe so, or is it long-suffering solidarity with others? Compassion hides many depths, and sometimes in rare cases, it may even hide the not so weak. Governments understand this en praxi. Strength does not always vaunt itself first as strength. The strong are strong enough to show their emotions. Pity the strong? Mmm maybe. Strong though.

Yeah but yeah but yeah but

Though it pains us somewhat to allude to the TV Series Little Britain or Britannia Parva, still the lessons to be learnt there are somewhat purgative and cathartic, like a jolly good bar of chocolate or a coffee long on the draw. Anyway with respect to the naive innocent schoolboys that the cabinet once were, the problem with adopting a pure relativistic pluralist format for gay equality laws, is that the Church of England speaks for the commonality of men, for the over-arching generalised good of society, and here in Malta we appreciate vicars and ministers of God who defend the common good broadly speaking. After all, I am told here, the maltesers remember Nero and his Iambic Greek boyworld networks. Once he or rather she manoeuvred herself into various imperial palaces, then persecution of all straits quickly followed, especially religions like Judaism and its newest daughter, Christianity. So it is a question of trust for us religious types, as our reverend friend from Malta puts it.  

Thursday 7 February 2013


Well we have so thought through much of our modern distemper for tradition and for holy hallowed custom, sanctioned by sacred tradition, that we are in danger of taking a hit from the monitum of the real Dean Inge who used to say, Those who would marry the spirit of the age, will be widowed when the next epoch cometh upon them. Yes we are all guilty of a lack of compassion for those young girls and young boys, a la the Bletchley Park film Enigma, who were forced to do some service in some of our mental institutions like Bedlam in the past, and many were then forced to undergo electrocution therapy and chemical deprivation mutation, so it is only understandable that our government commons ministers should feel the heavy tolling of bells from a dark and very very secretive medicare establishment, which even the wonderful modern NHS sought to correct, and should capitulate to the forces for gay rights in the saudi-zones active now in the southern eurozone sector as D-Day approaches, our next encounter with 1453 - QED Cyprus. Debts repaid in part.

And so to burnham beeches let us hence

Well Gawd bless us all on board HMS Church of England, as the government takes another turn into the choppy seas of pluralism. A lovely local Dean Inge used to say, here nearby Chequers, on this matter, Between the stirrup and the ground, mercy sought was mercy found.

Saturday 2 February 2013


Anyway, not that all the montys of the churches in Wales don't know who the real Queen of the South is - Macdonaldising tendencies - but it is always everybody else naturally or rather elsewise. Queens do exist but nothing like the queens that hang around Sandringham and all official institutes.

Friday 1 February 2013

Oh auntie overseas again

One of the trying tediums of life has been to watch the slow inexorable climb of lunatic prelates seeking promotion and preferment in life. As if there isn't enough nightmares for foolish ponsonbies upstairs. Like the tedious liberal bores of Bonn and their round-table meetings in the forests of Die Ganze Europa, around 1970, and the march of turgid tedium of a germanic kind into the church catholique, ostensibly to make it more catholique. Pardon!! Like making milk more white. Of course as Macdonald and Montgomery say, such is the career of the Queen of the South too ie someone in southern Britain. Strange bedfellows these but they know their man or their sproggit. Yes liberals trying to be conservatives in order to obtain power. And pretending to be academic intellectuals too. This fading light of the Auntie Overseas division is nothing more than a glorified Neil Kinnock. Remember him - forget about policy and manifesto, just seize the power. Academie Francaise for ethics - think again. Think twice. Alas too many left wing prelates think they can sustain power once they have seized it, and they move into the TV studios, radio stations, and then into the bookshops with very lightweight journalistic gibberish, and then move in on poor old saintly popes like the previous one; and all such lefty alliances assume that they can come up to the bar once in office. Only once they get into office, they lack the criteria of real governance and care for the people. They can stage a bolshevik uprising but they cannot run the street cleaning department outside the kremlin. More kremlin gremlins. Those Cs n Ms are like this - all pitchforks and no combines. 1647s.

Thursday 31 January 2013

Aha - Dawkins vs Rowan

At last the good old Church of England - a real church that does know what to do, and get down to brass tacks and have a solid serious debate with voices of disquiet and disorder in the kingdom. Thank God for Rowan.

Sunday 27 January 2013

And so

Saving your reverence's pardon, the truth is that all of us in the good old C of E have an appointment with Good Friday, and even the Just Judge would want to spare us all the trials of too much cooperation with civil police forces that are in hock to Dawkins and Pullman, and in any case we also all have another appointment with the Queen at the annual summer garden party, who will not be amused with the idea that the spiritual powers spend too much time talking to the temporal powers, especially the criminality divisions enforcing criminality. I would spare thee all such trials of conscience. Besides alas so many police officers are not to be seen at the church come sunday morning but usually at a local football pitch playing posse with the young boys in their football shorts and their worship of their heroes, with lots of ideology afterward during the regimental jump in the communal bath that helas is too much a sign of national football matches. All boys together of course, but the Queen would not be amused. Sorry to be so starchy. But vicars beware.

Saturday 26 January 2013


Entering into secret alliances with civil governments just to score a few meagre points against Auntie Overseas though, is not the right way or the dignified christian way to conduct business in an ecumenical time-frame after a large ecumenical council. It is demeaning and beneath us as church to party with cheap politicians in their pied-a-terres and to dine out with men who are not qualified to be politicians, i.e. practitioners of political science, and especially to sup with these men of doxa or mere opinion in economic matters. If one must go out to dinner at the club in Piccadilly called Rules, one should sup with such men with a very very very very long spoon. These men are rich - the treasuries of the churches are the poor. V would not forgive us all, in our spiritual lordship chambers in the over-worn, over-done, over decorated Palaces of Parliamentaria. All is flux in human politics, why all this diving over the precipices of opinion or even bending over backwards to sign up to years of general abuse and piece-meal persecution in the law courts of dear old Auntie and her brave missioners. Preachers should be supported by any christian state, not constantly stitched up by local units of the FBI. One day Fr Justin will realise that had we been kind and sweet to Auntie Overseas, she could have helped us out, by revealing her files on such evil men, dipping into the exchequer, especially as they feist about and bustle around abroad in the global church jurisdictions. So come on everybody down below Fr Justin, it is time to put the old thinking caps on, and withdraw from feeding and faxing local police stations on behalf of MPs who are simply insanely jealous about other men and women carrying more spiritual, or just even more democratic weight than they. Opinion.

Saturday 19 January 2013


Lord bless us and save us, Gawd bless all who sail in HMS Anglicana, because twice as a local church warden here near Oakham with the beloved vicar Rev Gregor Duncan, I have sent round sweet little troubled housewives to the local vicarage who have complained of ghosts and hauntings and poltergeists. Am told that the catholics are the experts, or were experts,  until the USSR took over there in London Westminster some 20 years ago under George III Basil Hume and his nutty bonking cardinal from Stoke Poges Golf Club, to say nothing of that potty Cardinal from Liberalising Tendenz of Bonn, and since that time, noting the wholesale denial of the supernatural by the frolicking nerds of ecclesia catholica in britannia tantum and their USSR policy of referring these poor girlies to local surgeries as lunatics like a right bunch of Pratt's Bananas from Siberia, I have instead asked the local anglicana ecclesia to pop round to these fair maidens and their terrorised kiddies to liberate their houses from ghosts and troubling spirits and the like, until such time as the USSR bishops of the old era of British catholicism are replaced by real valid ones. Usually these haunted houses are built on ancient temples and pagan graveyards like the kids in Amityville Horror. And they do a good job, our good old fashioned clergy, the vicars of yesteryear, and they always oblige and pop round to the houses concerned with their local diocesan ghosthunter teams - thank Gawd for the bless-us-and-save-us-vicars in the country. Actually the good old church of england is much more expert and each team of female vicars, who are the best because satan and his hordes hate them, pops round to such houses with what they call a rogatorium - a little questionnaire to help the sufferers climb down from the ceiling and itemise the precise contents of their kiddies's experiences. Anyway thank God for real vicars. The catholics have gone the way of all flesh, splitting from the centre in two directions, either out with the soviets abroad to re-education clinics or out with the gay servants of the mordor and their approach to beastifying kids at school. That lot.

Friday 4 January 2013

Sero te amavi

As our learned doctores in latin might once have said in the response-instruction to the old papal states many moons ago, in the beautiful constitution Saepe saepius, it is now a case of - Real church of england = Beautiful church of england, and our sentiments are those of a Carthaginian Augustine the young debonair poet about town, sero te amavi, o pulchritudine tam antiqua tam nova - too late have I loved thee, oh beauty so ancient and so new. For at last some cognisance has been taken of those poor benighted bishops upstairs in holy mother england who find themselves on the wrong side of a newspaper when the rumour machines start, and so being gay will no longer be a bar to ordination, we are told tonight by a happy house of bishops, and well done you compassionate shepherds of the Jesus flock and bravo reverend gentlemen. DG - after all, in an age of trial by media, when nobody will neither believe anything good about a bishop, nor anything remotely positive about his wife, and nobody will pick up the phone to give such poor misbegotten churchmice pipsqueaks even a right of reply before the violence and viciousness of tabloid publication, surely it is time to acknowledge that in an age of the media witch-hunt and the appalling judicial enquiries and processes that are initiated in Britain on the strength of this or that rumour at the local happy housewives club, then it is only wise to remove the bar and then remove the spreadsheet, and criminalise all looney homophobes accordingly within synod, and thus remove all media persecution of all these poor generous souls who did do something wonderful for God and the poor when they went forward for ordination, unlike the fatcats of media city. Sero te amavi o ecclesia anglicana.